Python Programming Language
Python is a text-based language. The Python print function syntax resource builds on the Python Print Function Resource.
Python Print Function Syntax Resource
As kids write simple commands that control screen output they learn how to problem solve one line at a time. Give kids the power to put text where they want it and teach them the computer can do math equations just like a calculator.
What Do Kids Need To Already Know?
These concepts were covered in the Python Print Function Resource:
✔ User-Defined Functions
✔ Code Organization
✔ IPO Cycle
✔ Arithmetic Operators
✔ Syntax/Compilation Errors
✔ Integer vs float values
✔ Strings vs Math
✔ Strings: double vs Single quotations
✔ Python:
◆ print( )
◆ string vs numeric output
What Do Kids Learn?
The Python Print Function Syntax Resource activities cover the following concepts:
✤ Main Program
✤ Internal Documentation: programmer comments (single and multiple)
✤ Logic Errors
✤ File Name Rules
✤ Indenting Code
✤ Python print( ) syntax:
◆ strings vs math
◆ outputting & controlling strings and numeric data
◆ , (comma)
What Do Teachers/Parents Need To Know?
The best thing about these resources is that you can learn along with the kids. There are also some Python blog posts that you might be interested in.
Suggested Timeline
It should take most students three 75 minute periods to complete both the activities as well as the assessment.
Online Learning Resource
This resource is ideal for independent students. It has nine embedded videos so students can easily review concepts.
The student handout includes:
4 Embedded Videos
✔Python Installation Instructions
✔ Textboxes for Student Responses
✔ English UK where applicable
Teacher Instructions
The teacher handout explains what pages have been included for English UK vs US as well as the two types of marking schemes. Teachers can then remove any unnecessary pages before students receive the package.
Print & Online Format Package
This package was originally created for classroom use. However, it now allows teachers to use the student handout in either an LMS system or emailed directly to students.
This package includes:
✔ A Package Description
✔ Answer Keys
✔ 4 Google Slides⭐ Lessons & Lesson Notes
✔ 1 Student Handout Package
✔ 1 Assessment +
◆ 1 Alternate Assessment with a KICA* marking scheme
✔ 1 Student Reflections & Student Dictionary
⭐ Google Slides can easily be converted to PowerPoint presentations and vice versa. For more information check out these videos:
Google Classroom: Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Google Slides
Microsoft OneDrive: Convert Google Slides to PowerPoint Presentations
Print & Digital Advantages
Why should you purchase this resource? It as three things the online learning package doesn’t:
Python Print Function Syntax Print and Online Resource package also includes an EDITABLE version of the following:
✍ Answer Keys
✍ Rubrics and Marking Schemes
✍ Editable activities and assessments
BEST VALUE: Print & Online Formats
This is the best of both worlds at 20% discounted! Perfect for a hybrid learning environment. It contains the online learning resources package with the extras (answer keys, lesson notes, editable materials, and rubrics).
Python Print Function Resource: Full Unit
Why not go all the way? The full unit is discounted by 20%.
There are four resources within this unit. It includes:
✔ Python Print Function
✔ Python Print Function Syntax
✔ Python Print Function Exit Ticket/Culminating Activity
✔ Python Print Function Test (4 versions)
View a preview video of this unit!
Resources UPDATED October 2020.
What’s The Next Resource?
The next step is to put it all together! To view the next resource in this unit: Python Print Function Exit Ticket/Culminating Activity Resource.
What’s The Next Unit?
Unit 2 introduces Turtle graphics commands. Turtle has great graphics capabilities. It uses all four quadrants of the Cartesian plane to draw which is a great way to reinforce co-ordinate math.